Anna the Android ??

Wednesday 20 April, 2011

Anna the Android ??: "Perhaps no other event in the recent past drew as many eye balls and consumed so much of space in media as Shri Anna Hazare’s fast at Jantar Mantar against corruption and for Jan Lokpal Bill did. The otherwise dull and drab Square of Jantar Mantar which gets some people off an on only for eating Dosas and idlis on normal days, suddenly turned into yet another Tehrir Square of Cairo like theatre.

And Anna Hazare literally turned out to the” Android tool” for many social activists and conscience keepers of the civic society who had been ruing on their fluctuating fortune because of one reason or the other. He became the engine to galvanize the entire nation in its manifestation of disgust and distrust against the government on the question of tackling corruption.

barkha dutt live from india gate

Anna Live 2
I was also one of the witnesses of that

- Sent using Google Toolbar"


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